Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - All My Stories Are A Work Of Fiction, Imagination and Creative Writing - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira

Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira

Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - All My Stories Are A Work Of Fiction, Imagination and Creative Writing - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira

Train Up A Child - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - (Chapter 3B)

Train Up A Child - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - (Chapter 3B) - Responsive Blogger Template

Nancy akafambisa achienda kuHostel, ndokundopinda mushower 2 minutes ndokuenda kuFootball ground kwaive nemuenzi wake, it was parked behind some eucalyptus trees zvekuti munhu aive kumahostels and classrooms aisaiona.

Panguva iyi vana vese were moving around their hostels and resting while waiting for 1230hrs to go for lunch. Musikana akasvika ndokupinda muFord Ranger yeblack yaive nematinted windows, even back at the canopy, vakomana vese vaive apa started disappearing one by one vaviri ndokusara vega.
Vakagara for more than an hour behind closed windows, once in a while mota yaionekwa shaking, slowly, faster, slowly, alternatively, ko handiti maive makagara vanhu vapenyu. A few minutes to 1230hrs mota yakandomira at the girls’ hostel entrance, musikana ndokututa mapasuro ake achindoisa maaigara.

Paakabuda akawana Sr Maria Goretti vakamira nehama yake.
“Nancy, you did not report your visitor to my office as per the rules, why?”
“Mange musimo Sister ….” Nancy akadaro akadzikama.
“And the head girl?” Nancy akaramba vakanyarara, sister ndokuti;
“So ndiani vako ava nhai Nancy?”
“Ndisekuru hanzvadzi yamamma.”
Sister vakatarisa sekuru vaye ndokuti; “Ko mwana zvaachangobva kumba nhai sekuru mange matotevera narini, our visiting days as you know is every 1st weekend of the month. This is unacceptable. Mati munonzi vaani zviya?”
“Ndinonzi Rateyiwa C. munhu waMwari. Inini I am always travelling so pakauya muzukuru kuchikoro I was outside the country. So I came to check how she is and pamunoita all your scheduled visiting days, ese I went through them, I will be out of the country, so ndodii?”
“Ko handiti amai vake variko nhai vaRateyiwa? Vanozomuonaka, imi munhu wemurume mungazonyanyoita nyaya dzei nekamhandara zvinotadzwa namai vake?” 
Train Up A Child - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - (Chapter 3B)

VaRateyiwa vakaridza tsamwa, “Ah mave kutotiudza how to run our family nhai sister. Nancy is my investment, do you get it? Kuti ave pano ndini, kuti chikoro chino chiti tine 50 O’Level girls, including this Nancy girl, ndini, do you understand? I am allowed to see kuti pandiri kuisa mari panofamba sei, right? Will you stop harassing me now? ” sister vakafamba vachibvapo, vaRateyiwa ndokuti kuna Nancy, “and you, get inside the car, I will drop you off kuDining hall, ndave kuenda.”
Sister vakaramba vakatarisa mota ichivapfumburira huruva ichienda.
Nancy akasvika ndokumira mira paDining Hall ndokusangana naTakunda,
“Waita rough ka iwewe Nancy sha, ko kuzosiya condoms kumaGum trees uko ndokudii” Takunda akafa nekuseka achirova mumwe wake maoko. Nancy akabata muromo ndokuti;
“Serious? Ndafunga kuti uncle Changie vaisa mudashboard, inga ma1”.
“Ko ndaona makamira namadzimai Maria Goretti hanziiko?” Takunda akabvunza.
“She is full of nonsense hameno zvavange vachingowawata zvisina maturo.” Nancy akadaro.
“I have a pending issue navo ndofanira kuvaona about kudaidzira kwandaita muchurch. I blundered shamwari, I was dozing so ndapepuka Father vachitaura zvemhunga neipwa munzeve mangu sha, I didn’t think I was shouting.” Vakamboseka ndokufamba vachienda kuO’Level dining hall vachitiza vaGondo vange vouya kuzoridza sirene.
“Uncle vauya neCocaine here?” Takunda akabvunza.
“Ya enough to last me a term, inini handitokwanisi kuverenga kana ndisina kumbodhonza” Nancy akadaro.
Vice head girl Dorothy akange akamira paDining Hall akati kuna Takunda; “Please go back, hamubvumidzwe kudimbudzira nekuno uku muchienda to your A’Level dining hall”
Takunda akaita kuruma muromo kuti asatukirira, but since he had an agenda on this girl akasekerera ndokuti; “I am sorry my sister, ndodzokera, can I see your notebook?” Dorothy akafamba achibvapo, Nancy achiseka achipinda mukati. Takunda akadzokera kumashure ndokufamba achienda kwaaifanira kuve.
Masikati emusi uyu, sister Maria Goretti vakadaidza Takunda kuOffice kwavo yaive at the Girls’ Hostel.
“I want to send you to the Headmaster zvawaita muchurch hazvitomboita, you know we respect the body of Christ in the house of God, saka mhosva yako is straight expulsion.”
Takunda akagara pafloor chaipo, achiisa kabag kaive nemabook ake pachair paange akagara.
“Sorry sister, handizviite futi, musadaidze moms vangu vanoita BP kana ndikapinda munyaya dzediscipline idzi, please sister.”
“But there is a way yandinogona kukuregerera, ” Sister vakadaro vachitsvetera.
“Anything Sister please, any punishment.”
“Tell me the relationship between Nancy and her visitor Mr Rateyiwa”
“Ah sister nooo,” Takunda akadzungudza.
“Kana usingade ndave kutofonera amai Makonese ndivaudze vauye mangwana.” Sister vakadaro vachibata cellphone yavo.
Takunda akadzungudza ndokuti; “But Sister musanditaurewoka please ndingauraiwe.”
“Uri mwana wasahwira wangu I will always protect you Taku.” Sister vakadaro vachipeta maoko avo ndokuterera.

Takunda akambondandama ndokuzoti; “Uncle Changie is Nancy’s sugar daddy, handiti munoziva kuti baba vaNancy vakashaya 3 years back, and also kuti amai vaNancy vaimbove nemaShebeen kuHighfields? Then akavharwa ese neCouncil vakasara vasina any means of livelihood, saka she sold or rather pimped her daughter to uncle Changie, he is also a drug dealer, a ruthless one, asi ndovanovachengeta vese.”
“Saka kuti uncle Changie ndokuti chii?” Sister Maria Goretti vakabvunza.
“Ndofirst name ravo, vanonzi Changamire Rateyiwa, so we call him Uncle Changie” Sister vakaseka chaizvo zvekutozara misodzi mumaziso.
“Ok mwanangu, inga vamwe vanhu havakure, saka kutamba nevana ndokudii? Chienda.”
Takunda akaramba akambomira ndokuti; “Sister ndokumbirawo kuona Dorothy the vice head-girl.”
“Zvaita sei?” sister vakabvunza vave kusimukawo kuti vabude.
“Ndine some extra note books andakapiwa natete Carol, you know aunty Carol vanoshanda kuCompany inogadzira stationery, Biblos Stationers, so I have extra, daddy vakati nditore extra to bless someone here, so ndamuona akabata that type of notebook so I can add 2 or 3 more.”
Sister vakasekerera impressed, “Inga unomboita munhu kwaye nhaiwe, usawanze mbanje otherwise you will be as generous as your parents. Rega ndimudaidze.”

Sister vakabuda ndokutuma munhu kundodaidza vice head girl, vakamumirira vakadzoka ndokuti; “You are god-sent mwanangu, I know haana enough stationery as we speak, amai vake vanorarama as a single parent baba vachidhakwa zvavo varipo. Uye wamubatsira chaizvo. Even uniform yake chaiyo, it’s worn out and old, but she is very smart and brilliant hamungamboone zvese.” Sister said this as a matter of fact, havana kuziva kuti vari kutengesa mwana wababa namai Moyo uyu kugora rekwaMakonese. Pamusuwo pakagogodzwa Dorothy ndokupinda. 

Sister vakati, “Takunda ati he has something to give you Dorothy, I don’t see anything bad, tora zvako.”
“Ari kupa inini nani? Who else is receiving things from him?”
“Ah ah na na eh eh ndapa vamwe boys veForm 2, it’s ok if you don’t want.” Takunda akadaro.
“I have enough things, and you are not my father
ds and 5 pens and 2 pencils ndokubuda oenda asina kutarisa kuna Dorothy.
“Tora Dorothy, as if it’s from me to you. Baba namai Makonese are givers in church, so is their son.”
Dorothy akatora ndokubuda oenda.
Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - All My Stories Are A Work Of Fiction, Imagination and Creative Writing - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira
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