Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - All My Stories Are A Work Of Fiction, Imagination and Creative Writing - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira

Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira

Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - All My Stories Are A Work Of Fiction, Imagination and Creative Writing - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira

Train Up A Child - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - (Chapter 3A)

Train Up A Child - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - (Chapter 3A) - Responsive Blogger Template
PaSt Matthias High School, first Sunday of the term, vana vechikoro vaipinda Mass yavo vega yaive 10:00 – 11:30am. Vana vaigara zvichienderana nemalevels avo, form ones in front while the advanced level students were at the back, all boys at the right side while the girls on the left side of the church. Father Paul Chuma, the Priest in charge conducted the first mass of the year;

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

• Press Toward The Mark - The word Mark refers to the "goal that one has in view." In other words, Paul was oblivious to his surroundings, he was just heading for the goal. He wanted to finish well. Notice that when he did reach the end of his life, he was able to leave behind the testimony that he had indeed run well. "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:" 2 Tim 4:6-7.)

Fata vakambobva kuPulpit ndokufamba down the aisle vachibvunza vana the prize that they were all expecting to get from the school, their parents’ expectations, their parents’ advice, how best they can achieve that. Vana vakapa mhinduro dzaiti hardwork, obedience, discipline, prayer.

Fata vakabvunza zvakare about the distractions zvingawane vana and disturb their stay at school. The pupils mentioned peer pressure, alcohol, smoking, drugs, love relationships. Fata vaibva vatevera every response vachipa dzidziso yavaida kuti vana vazive.
Train Up A Child - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - (Chapter 3A)
• As students, there is a great need for you to avoid the trap of becoming distracted by the events of this life. There is a mark, there is a goal and you should be striving for that goal in your lives! May God help you to keep your eyes on the goal.

• Too many of you come out of the blocks primed and pumped to run the race, but after a few weeks you fall into peer pressure, you have become distracted and fallen out of the race. I like those students who are steady! They are not living for the moment, but they run with eternity and success in view at all times.

• They realize that God is honored by a race well run and a life well lived. They are not easily distracted, but they run with their eyes on the goal!

• If you are to succeed in your studies and in Christian life and honor God by the lives we live, then you are going to have to run the race His way. You will have to run with our eyes upon Him.

• You will have to learn to turn a blind eye to the allurements of the world and a deaf ear to the siren song of compromise. If you will attain the prize of Christ likeness, then you will have to pay the price of dedication and struggle.

• It will be a hard fought victory, but in the end, when we see His face, it will be worthy it all!

• Hard work rewards, you will have good results and qualify to Colleges and Universities.
Fata vakamira kushure kwaive nevakomana veA’ Level ndokuti; “Kana maticha enyu nevabereki venyu vachikutsiurai, vanoziva zvavanenge vachitaura, it’s through experience so vanenge vachiti musaite same mistakes. Nekuti takabvako kumhunga hakuna ipwa.”
“Dzange dzisati dzamera!” Inzwi rairatidza kusvotwa nemharidzo iyi rakadaidzira kubva kuvakomana veA’ Level. Muchurch makaita mhere mhere vana vese vachifa nekuseka. Sister Maria Goretti navaGondo vakasimuka voenda kwaive nevakomana, vakasvika vachisimudza Takunda ange akagara akavhara kumeso kwake nehat yake vobuda naye panze, pasina nguva ange adzoka.
Fata vakapedzisa vachiti;
• How well are you running your academic race this year? This term?
• Are your eyes on Jesus alone for help? To be obedient and disciplined as a child of God? The 5th commandment says honor your father and mother kuti mazuva ako agowedzerwa panyika, surely God knew and loved us enough to give us such commandments.
• There is a song we sing from time to time that has a part that goes like this, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." How true! Getting your focus solely on Jesus will give you the direction you need to successfully run the race for His glory and your eternal benefit as you run for the prize!
Let’s have the song “Ndibatsireiwo Mambo wangu”, musamboridza ngoma or anything, let’s all stand up and sing it with closed eyes as a prayer;
Ndibatsireiwo Mambo wangu
Kuti ndisangoita samashizha
anobhururutswa kwese
kwese nemhepo
asi ndive mutenderi akatsiga.
Kazhinji isu vanhu tinofarira
kutorwa mwoyo nezvinhu zvisina maturo,
Amai Maria musandisiye ndiri ndega
Nekuti kazhinji ndiri bofu
Uye handitane kuzvinyengedza. AMEN
Mushure meMisa vana vese vakabuda, vakomana vashanu, known as the big 5 or team TK vaifamba slowly going to their hostel, musikana we Form 4 ainzi Nancy akabva amhanya kwavari ndokusvika achibata Takunda,
“TK, uncle Changie is here, handisi kuda kuti Sister MG vandione ndega, go entertain him am coming now” musikana akafamba achibva apa.
Patrick akati; “Dhara ratouya? Visiting her 1st week chokwadi?”
Takunda akaseka ndokuti; “ringaendepi, handiti he recently bought them a house next to imba yababa vangu kuHighfields, baba vangu vaitoida to put more lodgers asi he beat him to it. Amai vaNancy igirls paTonas boy.”
John akambotarisa Nancy ndokuzoti; “So TK unopinda papi apa?”
“Ndini ndotamba front ka nhai, kuti kana madzimai MG vave kuuya as she is everywhere like demons, anowana uncle Changie sitting harmlessly with me.”
John akadzungudza ndokuti; “But I know all mothers are protective of their girls, what’s happening between this uncle Changie and Nancy’s family?”
Takunda akaseka ndokuti; “Poverty poverty boy, uncle Changie bought them a house like I said, and he pays for Nancy’s fees and everything else for her to live and breathe. So it’s paying to both mother and daughter, kana Nancy ave criminal lawyer achitibudisa kuChikurubi uko, zvinenge zvakanyorwa pai kuti fees was paid by what-her-mamma-gave-her?”
Vakomana vakabuda misodzi yekuseka, Takunda akaenderera ndokuti;
“And boy, why are you asking so many questions, all of us here, yes the 5 of us we were disvirgined by this Nancy chick, she knows the game real good, no wonder uncle Changie is wrapped around her little finger.”
Patrick akaseka ndokuti; “Jay Zee be carefull ndiwe unonyanya kukada, it’s scary now, madhara anorwara aya, she is now dangerous. Inini handichaendepo again.”
John ndokuti; “And we can’t afford her anymore, uncle vane Ford Ranger iwe une Nike sneaker boy, stay away.”
Vakomana vakaseka chaizvo.
John akabva ati; “PSquare ugare nemaCDs (condoms) boy, and make good use of them,”
Patrick akaseka achiti; “Whats your problem guys, wait for your honeymoon night, from now on, no sex before marriage.” Vakomana vakaseka chaizvo.
Takunda ndokuti; “Haiwa dai Mwari aida izvozvo angadai akazotipa sex organs on the wedding night, manje kana zviripo ngazvishande.”
Charles ange akanyarara nguva dzese akati; “Ko TK amaiguru Dorothy tovawana riniko, ukafamba paduze navo vanofinyama, ingosiyana nazvo tipe mari you lost.”
Patrick akati; “Charo ari right siyana nazvo TK, tipe mari tiite musoro nayo.”
Takunda akaita nguva akanyarara ndokuzoti; “Mune dzungu vapfana imimi, now that you said all that, am making a second bet, she will not only fall for me, but ndiye achatondinyenga.”
Vakomana vakajumper jumper vachirovana maoko vachiita kusveveredza Takunda iye achisekawo chaizvo.
John akambomira kufamba achiseka achiti; “I know kuti unogara wakadhakwa muface wangu, but apa dai wambondoona chiremba. Mbanje wadziwanza iwewe. Our very own Vice Head Girl, Madame Dorothy Moyo kunyenga iwewe, tsotsi repaMbare, rinozikanwa navaChihuri, tsotsi riri paWanted list yeFBI? Be serious boy.”
Takunda akambozvida ndokuti; “She will beg me boy, achauya kwamuri mese to ask you kuti bro TK ngavataurewoka kuti ‘I love you babes’ watch and learn vapfana how to paralyze a woman, learn from me kuti mukadzi anofonyorwa brain sei.”
Vakomana vakaramba vachiseka vachipinda muHostel mavo, vakandobvisa school shirts vopfeka t-shirts ndokuenda pange pakapaka Uncle Changie mota yavo. Vakangosvika vachipiwa biltong neroasted nuts, cooler box rakavhurwa maive nemacan of assorted soft drinks, vakanwa vachitaura nyaya naUncle Changie while waiting for his teen-queen.

Stories by: Rutendo Lovely Nzira
Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira - All My Stories Are A Work Of Fiction, Imagination and Creative Writing - Stories By Lovely Rutendo Nzira
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